Mission: Gingival Health

What is Mission: Gingival Health?
Your patients’ gingival health is a priority: it’s the foundation for their oral health and can impact their overall health. But the science and patient management of gum health is complex and ever-changing. And the reality is that, despite advances in science and understanding, levels of periodontal disease continues to be a global problem.
We are announcing the launch of Mission: Gingival Health. This space has been created and designed for you so that you can find the latest news in periodontology, including insights and commentary from experts, conferences and events.
Mission: Gingival Health will be a destination for regular opinion pieces and insights from your peers and the wider dental industry. Make sure you check back in to stay up to date.
Given the patient impacts of periodontal disease, and the possible links between periodontal disease and systemic diseases, one of the first areas for consideration as part of this programme is whether the focus should shift towards the prevention and management of gingivitis as an effective approach to reducing periodontitis?
Haleon recently hosted a round table event featuring five internationally renowned periodontal specialists, and their consensus was that the answer to this question was yes! So we want to work with you in partnership to make this change possible. You can read the summary article from the round table group here.
The links below take you to the latest resources from parodontax and Haleon to support you in improving patient health outcomes through patient education, motivation and behaviour change.
Learn more about Mission: Gingival Health activity from parodontax

Focus on championing prevention & management of gingivitis at EuroPerio10
Learn more about our activities at EuroPerio 10, which kicked off the journey to Mission: Gingival Health.

Gingivitis: a new disease paradigm?
Watch the recording of our sponsored webinar from EuroPerio presented by Professor Iain Chapple and Professor Fillipo Graziani.