Otrivin menthol 0.1% nasal spray

Xylometazoline and Menthol: Unblocking with a cooling effect
Otrivin Menthol 0.1% contains the active ingredient xylometazoline 0.1% plus menthol (preservative-free):
- It eases nasal congestion in minutes by constricting dilated blood vessels in the nasal mucosa
- It reduces symptoms of hypersecretions and facilitates sinus drainage
- Menthol in the formulation provides a cooling effect and a sensation of breathing easier1-4

Otrivin Menthol 0.1% (Xylometazoline hydrochloride 0.1% + menthol)
For patients who are looking for rapid and effective relief of nasal congestion and sinus pressure.1–4
Otrivin Sinus Relief: long-lasting relief of nasal congestion and sinus pressure1-4